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Courses offered

1) Which language courses can I attend and when?Hide
2) What influence does my previous knowledge have on the choice of my courses?Hide
3) Can I participate in the courses as a member of staff or guest student?Hide

Placement Test 'Einstufungstest' (please read carefully)

​4) Do I need a placement test?Hide
​5) How do I register for the placement tests?Hide
6) When do I register for the placement tests and when do they take place?Hide
​7) Can I be exempted from the placement test on the basis of certificates?Hide

Course registration (compulsory)

8) Do I have to register for a language course? And if so, where?Hide
9) I don't have an enrolment number yet, can I still register for a language course or a placement test?Hide
10) Will I definitely get a place on the course?Hide
11) I can't find my desired course on CMlife, what's wrong?Hide
12) Do I have to deregister if I cannot attend a course I have registered for?Hide
13) Can I attend a language course without taking the final exam?Hide

Course attendance and course completion (examination)

14) Is there an attendance requirement?Hide
15) Can I also attend the language course online?Hide
16) What happens if I drop out of the course?Hide
17) Do I have to register for the language course exam?Hide
18) How many ECTS or credit points do I get for a language course?Hide
19) Can I get an official certificate at the end of a language course?Hide
20) What certificates can I be awarded in addition to confirmation that I completed the course?Hide
21) I did not pass the course. Can I repeat the exam or do I have to repeat the course?Hide
​22) I was ill on the day of the final exam. Can I take the exam later?Hide
​23) I have an exam in my degree subject at the same time as the final exam in my language course. What should I do?Hide

This language is taught by:

Bild Ruiz Frutos

Our Spanish team (coordinated by María José Ruiz Frutos)

Information on all lecturers and office hours can be found here.

Do you still have questions? If so, please send an e-mail stating your matriculation number and degree programme to: ruizfrutos@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Robert Wolf

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