
The Working Group of Language Centres, Language Teaching Institutes and Foreign Language Institutes (AKS) is an association representing the interests of the foreign language teachers and promoting language learning at higher education institutions. You can find more detailed information about the AKS here. Membership of the AKS allows the Language Centre of the UBT to participate in the exchange between colleges and universities and thus not only to promote staff development, but also to enter into cooperation on joint projects. One example of such cooperation is the development of joint C-tests for language level assessments.

Language learning at a high level is now part of the profile of every academic education. However, the requirements, degree programmes and quality profiles often varied from university to university, and the certificates awarded often had very localized validity and were thus of limited value to graduates. It was against this background that UNIcert was developed as a university-specific system for training, testing and certifying foreign language skills. It enables accredited members to award academic qualifications at four levels (I-IV) that certify standardized levels of competence across different languages, academic fields and institutions. UNIcert thus contributes significantly to harmonisation and quality assurance in the field of university language teaching and testing. UNIcert offers a nationally recognised, practice-oriented training and examination system with cross-linguistic, cross-subject and cross-institutional validity. Today, UNIcert is Germany's leading accreditation agency for university foreign language instruction with over 100 affiliated universities and colleges.
The UBT Language Centre has been a UNIcert-accredited institution since 2004 and offers UNIcert examinations in six languages. You can find more information about the UNIcert examination at the Language Centre here.