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Language Centre

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Quality assurance & complaints

The Language Centre is committed to developing and improving its services by evaluating itself and its courses every semester.

Quality assurance through evaluations

Each semester, our courses are discussed, planned and implemented with the help of an anonymous online survey and in cooperation with the university's Servicestelle Qualitätssicherung.

1) How and when are the evaluations carried out?Hide

Our courses are evaluated every semester in the form of an anonymous online survey. Students receive a link via email at the beginning of January (winter semester) and mid-June (summer semester) which takes them directly to their course's survey. Students are then given 10 minutes in class to complete the questionnaire anonymously and with the convenience of their smartphones. All questionnaires are in German, except for DaF, English, and African-language courses, where they are provided in English.

2) What is evaluated?Hide

The evaluations are carried out using a questionnaire that focuses on the specific requirements of language courses. It's aim is to evaluate each course in terms of structure, delivery of course content, the teacher's didactic competence, teaching/learning materials, and student progress. The current questionnaire can be found here.

3) What happens to the results?Hide

The anonymous evaluation results are sent to the teachers electronically. Teachers discuss the results with their students and, if necessary, quality improvement measures are developed and implemented for the coming semester. The head and assistant head of the Language Centre also have access to the evaluations. They discuss the results and developments with the individual language coordinators and, if necessary, initiate further steps for improvement. The key results of the evaluation are sent, with any references to persons removed, to the university's central administration, which includes them in their official teaching evaluation report.

4) What were the results of the Language Centre's evaluations in previous semesters?Hide
  • WiSe 22/23: The results will be published in February 2023.
  • Summer semester 23: The results will be published in July 2023.

Quality assurance through further education and training

Teachers at the Language Centre are encouraged to regularly take part in internal training sessions and further education at courses at ZHL. Furthermore, funds are made available to participate in external workshops.

Workshops attended WiSe 22/23Hide
  • AKS Leitungstagung 2022 (24.–26. November 2022)
  • 23. UNIcert Workshop 2022 (11.-12. November 2022)
  • Umgang mit Übersetzungstools, wie DeepL
Workshops attended and offered in the past.Hide

Workshops offered by teachers from the Language Centre:

  • Nutzung von Moodle im universitären Fremdsprachenunterricht
  • Vokabeln spielerisch trainieren in Moodle
  • Lernkarteikärtchen in Moodle erstellen
  • Schriftliche Produktion und kooperatives Lernen in Moodle fördern
  • BYOD: Studierende mit ihren Endgeräten aktivieren
  • "Tests" erstellen in Moodle

Workshops attended by teachers from the Language Centre:

  • Urheberrechtlich sicher handeln in der Lehre, FBZHL 2016
  • Austauschtreffen für Zertifikatsprogramm „Lehr-Lernprozesse fördern mit digitalen Ressourcen", FBZHL 2017
  • PINGO-Prezi-Powerpoint-Tablets-Visualiser-AdobeConnect - digitale Technologien für die Lehre sinnvoll einsetzen [DiL], FBZHL 2018
  • BYOD: Studierende mit ihren mobilen Endgeräten aktivieren [DiL], FBZHL 2018
  • Zertifikat Hochschullehre der Universität Bayreuth - Förderung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen mit digitalen Ressourcen, FBZHL 2018
  • Online-Kurse barrierearm gestalten, virtuelle Hochschule Bayern, 2019
  • Einführung in Panopto - Videolösung der Universität Bayreuth [DiL], FBZHL 2020
  • Einführung in e-Learning - Kurs 3 - Interaktivität in Moodle mit H5P integrieren [DiL], FBZHL 2020
  • E-Learning - H5P für mehr Interaktivität in e-learning (Vertiefung) [DiL], FBZHL 2022


We constantly strive to offer our students the highest quality language courses. However, with over 3200 students per semester in more than 200 courses in over 20 languages, issues can arise. If you have an issue that cannot be resolved directly with your teacher, please contact the following people:

Webmaster: Redaktion Sprachenzentrum

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