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Certificate in Intercultural Mediation 

Zertifikat interkulturelle Vermittlungskompetenz

With this certificate, students of the University of Bayreuth can demonstrate on the basis of three accredited modules that they have real-world experience as intercultural mediators on the UBT campus, have acquired intercultural communication and language skills in various courses during their studies and have gained intercultural experience during a study-related stay abroad. You will find all the important information about the certificate below.

1) Who can apply for the certificate?Hide

The certificate is aimed at students who would like to combine attestation of their linguistic and intercultural competences in a single certificate.

With this certificate, students of the University of Bayreuth can prove that they:

  •     have been actively involved as intercultural mediators on the UBT campus,
  •     have acquired intercultural communication and language skills in various courses during their studies, and
  •     have gained intercultural experience during a study-related stay abroad.
2) What are the requirements for the certificate?Hide

The certificate is divided into three modules:

Module 1 (Ambassador Component) and Module 2 (Academic Component and Language Practice) are compulsory. Module 3 (International Experience) is optional.

You can find out which requirements you need for the individual modules in the module description.

A sample plan shows how incoming and outgoing students can earn the required number of certificate points in the individual modules.

3) According to which guidelines is the certificate awarded?Hide

A total of 30 certificate points (German: 'LP') are required for the certificate. The calculation of certificate points is based on workload.

4) Where and how can I apply for the certificate?Hide

Once all the prerequisites have been met, the certificate can be applied for using this form. Send the completed form together with the other documents (overview of grades, certificates, etc.) by e-mail to the Language Lounge. Incomplete or falsified applications will be rejected.

Do you have any questions?

  • Contact: jelena.mijajlovic@uni-bayreuth.de

  • Phone:  0921/553585

  • Office: Building GW I, Basement U.19

  • Opening hours during the lecture-free period of the winter semester 24/25 Monday-Thursday, 10:00 to 16:00

  • Available from home on Mondays and Fridays, 10:00 to 16:00

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