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In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.Courses offered
- 1) Which language courses can I attend and when?Hide
Normally, courses at all levels from A1-C1 are offered in the winter and summer semesters. You can find the courses on Cmlife by entering the course number in the search box.
- 1.1 (Grundkurs 1 - 4 SWS): SDE01
- A1.2 (Grundkurs 2- 4 SWS): SDE02
- A2 (Grundkurs 3 - 4 SWS): SDE03
- B1.1 (Grundkurs 4 - 4 SWS): SDE04
- B1.2 (Grundkurs 5 - 4 SWS): SDE05
- B2.1 (Kompaktkurs - 4 SWS): SDE11
- B2.1 Ausdrucksfähigkeit (2 SWS): SDE14
- B2.1 Lesen-Verstehen-Sprechen (2 SWS): SDE15
- B2.1 Hören-Verstehen-Sprechen (2 SWS): SDE16
- B2.1 Schreiben im akademischen Kontext (2 SWS): SDE17
- B2.2 Fachsprache Informatik (2 SWS): SDE31
- B2.2 (Kompaktkurs 4 SWS): SDE32
- B2.2 Ausdrucksfähigkeit (2 SWS): SDE36
- B2.2 Lesen-Verstehen-Sprechen (2 SWS): SDE37
- B2.2 Wissenschaftliches Präsentieren und Diskutieren (2 SWS): SDE38
- B2.2 HörenVerstehen-Sprechen (2 SWS): SDE39
- B2.2 Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (2 SWS): SDE40
- C1.1 (Kompaktkurs 4 SWS): SDE51
- C1.2 (Kompaktkurs 4 SWS): SDE52
- C1 Heiß umstritten (2 SWS): SDE53
- C1 Landeskunde: Texte, Kontexte und Kommunikation (2 SWS): SDE57 (only in the summer semester!)
- C1 Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (2 SWS): SDE58
- C1 Fachsprache Mathematik (2 SWS): SDE63
Please note that the courses can only take place if the minimum number of participants is reached.
- 2) What influence does my previous knowledge have on the choice of my courses?Hide
- If you have had previous instruction in a language or knowledge of a language that is very similar, you may be able to start a course at a higher level. A placement test is mandatory in this case. You will find further information about this under "Placement".
- 3) Can I participate in the courses as a member of staff or guest student?Hide
- Generally, yes. You will find more information here.
- 1a) @Students of English-language Masters: Which courses are relevant for me? (A1.1/A1.2)Hide
The letter of admission specifies that students must have a certificate confirming that they have reached level A1 (CEFR) in German by the end of their first academic year. Like many other universities, the UBT Language Centre offers two consecutive courses leading to level A1 (A1.1 and A1.2).
Information on A1.1 (basic course 1) is available here. Registration begins on 17 October at 13:00.
Information on A1.2 (basic course 2) is available here. Registration begins on 17 October at 13:00. You can only register directly for the A1.2 course if you have previous knowledge (see ‘Placement’ (4)).
- 1b) @Students of English-language Masters: How often are the A1.1/A1.2 courses offered?Hide
Both courses (A1.1 and A1.2) are offered during the semester (several parallel courses) and during the semester break (one course each), so that students are able to reach A1 level by the end of their first academic year.
- Option 1 (STANDARD): A1.1 in semester #1 and A1.2 in semester #2
- Option 2 (TURBO TRACK): A1.1 in semester #1 and A1.2 DURING the semester break (semester #1)
The dates of the block courses can be viewed here from the end of December.
- 1c) @Students of English-language Masters: I had problems with my visa. What can I do?Hide
- Students who arrive late on campus due to visa problems and can provide proof of this can register for courses up to one month after the start of classes (21 November 2024), provided there are enough places available.
- They must provide proof of their late arrival via the SZ form service.
- Once approved, students will be admitted to the course. Missed classes must be made up through the ‘Language Lounge Recovery Programme’. Further information can be found here.
Placement Test 'Einstufungstest' (please read carefully)
- 4) Do I need a placement test?Hide
- If you have previous knowledge of a language, you must take a placement test.
- If you have already taken a course at UBT or a placement test at UBT, you do not need a placement test.
- 5) How do I register for the placement tests?Hide
Registration is via CMlife. Enter SPOEOin the search field.
- 6) When do I register for the placement tests and when do they take place?Hide
- Registration: You can register for the placement tests from 7 until April 23.
- Realisation: The placement tests usually take place in the first week of lectures.
- 7) Can I be exempted from the placement test on the basis of certificates?Hide
- Language certificates will only be recognized if they are not older than two years.
- Please submit your language proof via this form by the end of the 2nd week of the semester.
- After you have uploaded your proof, it will be checked by our language officers. If your prior knowledge is confirmed by the language officer, the Language Center secretariat will remove you from the corresponding courses on CampusOnline so that you can register for the next higher course. This can take up to two working days.
Accepted, without an additional oral test:
- The following certificates are accepted: TestDaF certificate, Goethe-Institut certificate, IIK Bayreuth (A1 only), TELC, DSH, UNIcert
Accepted, but only in conjunction with an oral test:
- Language certificates (not UNIcert) issued by other colleges and universities
- Language certificates awarded by the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb)
Not accepted:
- Language certificates from a community college (e.g. VHS) or private language schools are not accepted. Please take a placement test.
Course registration (compulsory)
- 8) Do I have to register for a language course? And if so, where?Hide
- Where: Registration takes place via CMlife. Enter the title or the course code in the search field. Signing up to the companion e-learning site does not count as valid registration for the course.
- When: You can register for the language courses from April 14 until May 4 at 11.59 pm. Please note the different registration deadlines depending on the language/language type.
- 9) I don't have an enrolment number yet, can I still register for a language course or a placement test?Hide
- If you do not yet have a matriculation number, this means that your enrolment is probably not yet complete. Please contact the Student Administration Office (Studierendenkanzlei) about this. Only then can you register for our language courses.
- 10) Will I definitely get a place on the course?Hide
- No. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. If the course is fully booked and you only receive a place on the waiting list (WL), you will move up the line if/when a student with a firm place (FP) deregisters. Students who are only on the waiting list may NOT attend the course.
- 11) I can't find my desired course on CMlife, what's wrong?Hide
- If you cannot find a course on CMlife, it usually means that this course is not required for your degree program.
- If you can see a course on CMlife but cannot register, it may mean that do not have the required language level (taken the placement test) or attended the previous course in the program.
- 12) Do I have to deregister if I cannot attend a course I have registered for?Hide
- Deregistration is only possible during the registration period (i.e. until the end of the second week of the semester). Students can only move up from the waiting list during this period. Once registration closes, it is not possible to deregister from a course. If you drop out of a course, "X-5,0" will be entered as your result in CMlife.
- 13) Can I attend a language course without taking the final exam?Hide
- Technically, you can take a course without taking the exam. However, by doing so, you may be depriving another student of a place in the course and thus the opportunity to earn credits for the successful completion of their degree. If you do not take the exam, you will not be able to take the follow-up course. In addition, you will receive no credit and ''X-5,0'' will be entered as your result in CMlife.
Course attendance and course completion (examination)
- 14) Is there an attendance requirement?Hide
- Yes, attendance is compulsory in all language courses. You will find further information here.
- 15) Can I also attend the language course online?Hide
- No. Unfortunately, online participation is not possible.
- 16) What happens if I drop out of the course?Hide
- If you do not complete a course, ''X-5,0" will be entered as your course result in CMlife. You will not receive credits or a language certificate for courses you do not complete.
- 17) Do I have to register for the language course exam?Hide
- No. When you register for the course, you are automatically registered for the exam final exam.
- 18) How many ECTS or credit points do I get for a language course?Hide
- You will receive 2 ECTS for courses with one session per week and 4 ECTS for courses with two sessions per week. This may vary slightly from the number of credit points (LP) awarded for the course in your degree program. The examinations' office (Prüfungsamt) will be able to help you with any questions about this. The Language Centre cannot provide this information.
- 19) Can I get an official certificate at the end of a language course?Hide
- Yes, on request at the Secretary's Office (Sekretariat): GW I, 0.04; Monday - Thursday 9:00-11:00
- 20) What certificates can I be awarded in addition to confirmation that I completed the course?Hide
In addition to the final exam, you can take the UNIcert® exam after completing a specific sequence of courses. You can find more information here.
- 21) I did not pass the course. Can I repeat the exam or do I have to repeat the course?Hide
- Who can take a repeat exam? If the listening, reading (grammar), writing and speaking skills are graded equally (20-25% each) in a final exam, all skills must be passed. If only one skill is not passed, this skill can be repeated. However, if more than one skill is failed, the exam must be retaken in its entirety.
- When does the repeat exam take place? To find out the exact date, please contact the team coordinator (see below).
- Do I have to attend the course again? No, you do not have to attend the course again. You can take part in the repeat exam straight away.
- How or with whom do I register? Complete this document and submit it directly to the team coordinator (see email below). Your application will then be processed as quickly as possible.
- 22) I was ill on the day of the final exam. Can I take the exam later?Hide
- 23) I have an exam in my degree subject at the same time as the final exam in my language course. What should I do?Hide
- If you have an exam in one of your degree subjects at exactly the same time as the final exam in your language course, please inform your instructor about this immediately, i.e. as soon as you are aware of the clash. Fill out this form and upload it, together with full and documented details of the overlap here.
This language is taught by:

Our DaF team (coordinated by Dr Oliver Hepp)
Information on all lecturers and office hours can be found here.