Attendance regulations for language courses
All language courses offered by the Language Centre are conducted in person on campus. Attendance is mandatory. However, a limited number of unexcused absences is permitted. You will find more information below.
- 1) Why is attendance mandatory?Hide
Attendance is compulsory for the language courses of the Language Centre, as the acquisition of communicative competence requires the active, action-oriented application of communicative skills. This can only be guaranteed with regular attendance.
- 2) What is the difference between absence with a waiver and absence without a waiver? Hide
Attendance waiver: An attendance waiver will be granted for absences due to unforeseen events such as illness, bereavement or a compulsory university event (e.g. exam) that was scheduled at short notice PROVIDED appropriate documentation is presented (e.g. medical cert., confirmation of your participation in the event in question - in the case of the latter, please pre-formulate the confirmation notice so that it merely needs to be signed by the lecturer or event organiser).
Attendance waivers will not be granted for absences due to pre-scheduled events (compulsory lab practicals, internships or social events such as birthdays). However, to cover such events, you are permitted to miss a limited number of class sessions without an attendance waiver - cf. 3) below.
- 3) How often may I be absent in order not to be barred from taking the final exam?Hide
Unexcused absences: In a 4 SWS course, a maximum of 4 sessions may be missed without an excuse. In a 2 SWS course, a maximum of 2 sessions may be missed. Block courses: You may miss one day of an English block course and 2 days of a block course in a language other than English.
If you know that you will miss 3 sessions of a 2 SWS course or 6 sessions of a 4 SWS course due to a 3-week mandatory lab practical/mandatory internship, this additional (third/sixth) absence must be approved in advance (see 4 below). If you are granted a waiver in these circumstances you may NOT MISS ANY OTHER sessions of the course, in other words, you must avail of your permitted (2/4) absences to cover any pre-scheduled events.
There is generally no additional allowance for voluntary/non-curricular internships.
- 4) Where can I submit my documents?Hide
Please submit certificates and/or other documents here. Your file will be processed and your language instructor will be informed.
- 5) Can I be exempted from compulsory attendance?Hide
No, all students must attend regularly. In exceptional cases (e.g. chronic illness) exemptions will be granted on application. .
- 6) If I miss the first session the course, does that already count as an absence?Hide
If you miss the first session of the course and are already on the course list because you registered on time, the absence will be counted as unexcused.
If you are a late arrival (waiting list, late arrival) and have therefore missed the first session, the absence of the first lesson will not be counted.

Any other questions?
If, after carefully reading the above information, you still have questions, we would be happy to receive your query. Don't forget to include your matriculation number and degree programme.