Zertifikatsprüfungen / Certificate exam

As we are unfortunately unable to offer UNIcert® examinations in all languages offered by the Language Centre due to staff shortages, students have the opportunity to obtain an alternative official certificate in the non-UNIcert® languages. The exam specially created for this purpose is called the "certificate exam".
The "Zertifikatsprüfung"- Registration and examination
- 1) In which languages can I apply for the certificate?Hide
In the following languages:
- Level A2.2: Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish
- Level B1: Turkish
- Level B2: Swedish
- 2) How, when and where do I register for the exam?Hide
No separate examination is required to obtain the certificate, as it is issued automatically after passing Basic course 4.
- 3) Which requirements do I have to fulfil to obtain the certificate?Hide
- For A2.2. CEFR in Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish the following applies: after passing Basic course 4 the certificate can be applied for, provided you have taken at least 2 of the 4 basic courses at the Language Centre.
- For B1 CEFR and B2 CEFR in Turkish and Swedish: the certificate can be applied for after passing Basic course 4, provided you have taken at least 2 of the 4 Basic courses at the Language Centre.
- 4) When and how can I apply for the certificate?Hide
The certificate can be applied for at the Secretary’s Office (GW I, 0.04) 3 weeks after the end of lectures at the earliest.
- 5) Is the certificate free of charge?Hide
Yes, it is.
- 6) Where and when do I get my certificate?Hide
The certificates must be applied for at the Secretary’s Office (GW I, 0.04) and collected there. Upon request, they can also be sent by post.

Any other questions?
If, after carefully reading the above information, you have any further questions, please contact us. Please remember to include your matriculation number and degree program.