Language Lounge Recovery (LLR)

Attendance is compulsory for all Language Centre courses. Absence from a maximum of 15% of class sessions is permitted.
In certain cases, it is possible to make up for missed lessons and thus continue to participate in the course. However, in the interest of fairness, you can only make up for missed lessons in-person. For this purpose we have developed a programme called `Language Lounge Recovery´ (LLR). You will find full details below.
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In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.- 1) How can I participate in the LLR programme?Hide
In general, you can only participate in the LLR programme if you attend a 4 SWS course (i.e. a course with two sessions per week). Unfortunately, LLR is not intended for 2 SWS courses.
If you are attending a 4 SWS course, you will be admitted to the LLR programme if:
- the course which you enrolled in has been cancelled and you can only regularly attend one of the two weekly sessions of a parallel course. The sessions you are unable to attend regularly can be compensated for with LLR.
- there has been a delay in your visa allocation and you have missed multiple sessions of your language course due to your late arrival in Bayreuth. You can make up for these sessions through the LLR programme.
- you are enrolled on a course that is only offered once a year and for which there is no parallel course and of which, due to a time clash with a regular compulsory university event, you are unable to attend one of the two weekly sessions. In this case, you can register for LLR.
- the course which you enrolled in has been cancelled and you can only regularly attend one of the two weekly sessions of a parallel course. The sessions you are unable to attend regularly can be compensated for with LLR.
- 2) How can I be admitted to the LLR programme?Hide
Using our form upload service, submit documentation showing that the course in which you were enrolled has been cancelled/that there was an administrative delay with your visa/that you have a compulsory university event which clashes with one of the two course sessions. Your application will be processed and you will receive further information from the administrative assistants (Sekretariat GW I, 0.04 Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00).
- 3) How many sessions can I make up for with LLR?Hide
Up to 14 sessions (90 minutes each) can be compensated for in the winter semester and 13 sessions in the summer semester. Since self-study requires a significant amount of self-discipline, we would ask you to consider carefully whether you will be able to sustain the effort involved. Our experience shows that students find it difficult to complete more than 6 sessions of LLR.
- 4) Can I make up for missed sessions online?Hide
Our mandatory attendance policy applies to all language courses offered by the Language Centre. In the interest of fairness, missed sessions must be made up in-person.
- 5) When is the LLR programme available?Hide
During the regular opening hours of the Language Lounge.
- 6) Do I need to make an appointment?Hide
No, you do not need to make an appointment.
- 7) Is there a deadline for LLR?Hide
You can make up for missed sessions any time before the date scheduled for the final exam. However, please do not attempt to make up for all missed sessions in one go.
- 8) What do I do during LLR?Hide
During LLR, you can work on assignments set by your instructor or work on the missed content independently with the help of textbooks available in the Language Lounge.
- 9) How are the LLR hours documented?Hide
If you have been admitted to the LLR, then please go along to the Language Lounge. There, you state your name and a member of the staff will hand you a form with your name and the language course you are currently attending. Your check-in time will be noted. If you have made up one or more sessions, enter the content you have worked on in the `Topics´ column on the form. Make sure that your check-out time is recorded when you leave. Once you have completed the required number of sessions, you submit your form to your language instructor. They will write `LLR´ on the attendance list for the sessions you have missed. In this way, you will have substituted one or more in-person LLR sessions for the corresponding number of in-person classes, thereby fulfilling the attendance requirements for the language course.

Do you have any questions?
Phone: 0921/553585
Office: Building GW I, Basement U.19
Opening hours during the lecture-free period of the winter semester 24/25 Monday-Thursday, 10:00 to 16:00
Available from home on Mondays and Fridays, 10:00 to 16:00