
The Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaf) entitles foreign applicants to study in Germany and is therefore comparable to the IELTS and TOEFL. The TestDaf exam is not offered by the Language Centre, but by our partner, the IIK.
- 1) What is TestDaF?Hide
The Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) is a centrally created, standardised language test for which a fee is charged. The TestDaF exam covers the competence levels B2 to C1 CEFR. The certificate is an internationally recognised qualification and entitles foreign university applicants to take up studies in Germany.
- 2) What advantages do I have with a TestDaF certificate?Hide
- The exam is considered sufficient proof of language proficiency for almost all higher education institutions in German-speaking countries. This means that you do not have to study at the same university where you took the exam.
- Skills necessary for studying are trained (e.g. listening to a lecture and taking notes on key questions, taking a position on a topic in a discussion, etc.) and tested. The test structure and item types always remain the same. The tasks are carefully developed and tested. Your performance in writing and speaking is centrally assessed by qualified assessors from the TestDaF Institute. The test is standardised. The TestDaF Institute not only develops and evaluates the test. Its quality is also regularly scientifically checked. It is possible to prepare specifically for the examination format. The best way to do this is to use the sample tasks and information on the preparation materials published on the TestDaF website under the heading Participants.
- 3) How much does the TestDaF exam cost?Hide
€ 215,00 (paper-based)
- 4) How, when and where do I register for the exam?Hide
You can register online for the examination directly here on the TestDaF Institute website. Please note the respective registration deadline. This ends approximately one month before the examination.
- 5) How can you prepare for the exam?Hide
On the TestDaF or IIK site you can find preparation materials for different levels and languages.
- 6) What requirements do I have to fulfil?Hide
No specialist or specific prior knowledge is required. However, you should have general knowledge, an interest in socio-political topics and current discussions in Europe as well as in the higher education context in Germany. The TestDaF tests whether you can perform successfully at a high level and whether your language skills are sufficient for you to begin studying in Germany. Therefore, you must show that you are capable of successfully mastering typical communicative tasks that you will encounter at a German university.
- 7) When and where will the exam take place?Hide
The examination is organised by the IIK Bayreuth and taken at the Language Centre on the campus of the University of Bayreuth. The examination dates for the paper-based version of the TestDaF this year are 9.3.2023 and 11.10.2023. Admission to the examination is from 8.15 a.m. on the respective examination day. The examination starts punctually at 8.30 a.m. and lasts until 12.50 p.m.
- 8) What parts does the exam consist of?Hide
The examination consists of four sections: Reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression and oral expression. The assessment is made on the three possible levels TDN 3, TDN 4 as well as the highest possible assessment TDN 5. As a general rule, as sufficient proof of their German language competence, prospective students from abroad must have achieved the classification TDN 4 in each individual examination module for the TestDaF certificate before they can start their studies.
- 9) Can I repeat the TestDaf exam?Hide
The TestDAF exam can be repeated as often as you like until you have achieved the desired result. You can inspect your examination papers at the TestDaF Institute in Bochum. For a possible inspection you have to send a request by e-mail to kontakt@testdaf.deor via the contact form (subject: inspection) to the TestDaF-Institut by 4 weeks after notification of the result at the latest.
- 10) How and when do I get my certificate?Hide
The examination results can be viewed online via the participant portal 6 weeks after taking the examination. You will receive your access data directly from the TestDAF Institute.
For the TestDaF examination dates that took place until the end of August 2020, only printed "certificates" were issued. These certificates were stamped with a signature and in the original with an embossed stamp. From the examination dates in September 2020 and with the introduction of the digital TestDaF, all certificates will be issued digitally and in a new design; they are valid without a signature. Participants can download the certificate via the participant portal here.